Xièxie (Chinese: 谢谢 – English = thank you) appears to be a kind of impressionistic audio travelogue of Will Long’s sojourn in China, setting out ‘A week before leaving, I bought a dictionary and phrasebook. Covered in rain, during the days and even the nights, Shanghai was lit in a glow, a mist turning to a constant grey fog. Buildings lined with neon and lcd screens flashed, and from around corners and behind buildings, the night was illuminated much the same as the day. Cars separated the classes, their horns voices punctuating the streets, as pedestrians in groups loosely scattered the streets, talking and walking on speakerphone.’ Further reflections in dream-reality lost-in-translation mode follow, mirrored in its long-form neo-isolationist drift by Celer’s music, then pay-off: ‘I bought a dictionary and phrasebook, but “xièxie” was the only word I ever got to use.’