Track list:
1 Aronia

Release description:
Having fallen deeply in love with American duo Celer’s music over the last year it brings me a huge amount of pride to be able to unveil this wonderful release from them.

The first part of a series it features an absolutely stunning 20 minute piece which completely blew me away when I first heard it. To describe it in detail seems somehow wrong as it pretty much demands to be enjoyed in one sitting with the lights down low so you can experience the enveloping and deeply hypnotic beauty. Created from layers of instrument samples and field recordings, it will gently massage your soul with its melancholic nature and intimate feeling.

Listen to the sample, grab yourself a copy and join me in being spellbound by this awesome duo’s wonderful sound. Simply brilliant.

Track list:
1 Balsam

Release description:
As the reaction to the first part of Celer’s Four Pieces was so amazing I thought I’d treat you all to the second part sooner rather than later.

Four Pieces / Two is titled Balsam and it sits so beautifully next to the first part that you can sense the link between them. Listen to them one after another and you’ll detect a subtle shift in the tonal quality as a small hint of dissonance is added into the layers of almost classical sound. It creates a wonderful continuation of the themes in the slightly more overtly melodic Aronia and creates a similarly enveloping sense of ambience and solitude. As ever with Celer’s work it begs to be listened to uninterrupted in one sitting – preferably with the lights down low in my opinion – and enjoyed as it was meant to be.

Track list:
1 Photophores

Release description:
And so we reach the penultimate part of the Four Pieces series from Celer. Once again I’m absolutely thrilled to be bringing this to you and I think that you’re going to be as delighted and wowed as I was when I first heard it.

Entitled Photophores this work is just as fluid and beautiful as the other parts but, to these ears, has the most classical feel. Certainly there’s an almost orchestral lilt to the sound which carries on from part two by using a lightly discordant tone to convey a sense of darkness in the background, resonantly drifting over you. That said it plays wonderfully against the overall warmth, melancholy and uplifting feel that pervades every second of the piece. With a shimmering sound – which perfectly captures the idea of the title – it conjures up images of a distant heat haze and becomes a sublime 20 minute journey that’s purely magical.

Once again showing that they’re in a league of their own when it comes to producing deeply gorgeous and atmospheric ambient music, Celer really do have their own unique sound – and for that we must cherish them. As always my heartfelt gratitude goes out to both Will & Dani for making this series possible and gracing Smallfish with such phenomenal music.

Track list:
1 Tilleul

Release description:
As we reach the fourth and final part of the much talked about Four Pieces series I find myself at something of a loss for words. I know for a fact that everyone has their own favourite so far and I’ve always had a tremendous soft spot for ‘Tilleul’.

There’s something classical about it that I can’t quite put my finger one – maybe it’s the very slight discordance that lies in the background, or maybe it’s just the structure itself that lends itself to that comparison, I don’t know. What I do know is that this really is just as deep and beautiful as you’d expect and has a magical sense of flow to it. Contemporary ambience comes in many shapes and forms but Celer really do have a unique and instantly identifiable style and way of putting together compositions. There’s a calming and serene tone to this that’s balanced by a slightly darker lilt that gives it an edge. In fact I think it sits neatly between ‘Photophores’ and ‘Balsam’ sound-wise and in the same way that the first two releases seemed to flow into each other, I really get that sense here as well. Although all these pieces were written in different months in 2007 they seem to share a common theme and feeling and this is why I believe they work so well as a series.

So put it on, sit back and for 20 minutes allow yourself to be enveloped by the frankly incredible sounds of Celer once again. I can’t overstate it enough when I say it really has been an honour and a privilege to be involved with this series and, as much as I have a bitter-sweet feeling about reaching the final instalment, I’m so glad to have had this opportunity. This is music to be treasured and cherished. And you know what? I absolutely know it will be.