Track list:
Side A
1 Untitled
2 Untitled
3 Untitled
4 Untitled
5 Untitled
6 Untitled

Side B
7 Untitled
8 Untitled
9 Untitled
10 Untitled
11 Untitled
12 Untitled

Release description:
All recordings contained on this cassette were made between 2005 and 2008, using only a Jaymar Toy Piano, and a Heintzman Upright Piano. All tracks were recorded only to cassette tape. The tracks include cassette loops made from original recordings, improvisational piano pieces, and organized pieces. In the event when electronic processing was used, cassette tape remained the single method of recording. We hope to demonstrate an admiration of experimentation through a single recording medium, and to dedicate our humble use of the piano to the American pianists of the 1920’s.

Track list:
Side A
1 Pleased To Be In A State Of Sour Resplendency

Side B
2 Things Gone And Still Here

Release description:
Another subtle masterpiece, another broken heart. Celer delivers over and over again until you can barely stand it. There’s so much happening underneath the surface of those sprawling pieces that it’s impossible to take it all in, impossible not to get totally, utterly lost. With each rise and fall, your breathing will slow to a crawl. “Rags of Contement” will soothe you, almost to the point of losing consciousness. Sit back, close yourself and drift as far away as you can. This is stunning, beautifully composed music stretching to infinity. Edition of 150.