Format: CD
Label: Commune Disc
Catalog: CD10
Release date: 8/25/13
Track list:
Release description:
‘Radish’ was created as a daydream. Each track was made of different layers of instruments, field recordings, television, and discarded objects. The tracks were mixed without specific structure, and instead in an almost blind and directionless form, to later be processed together for a flowing, pure and imaginative sequence of memories.
“A daydream is an evasion.” – Thomas Merton
Press reviews:
多作なアンビエント作家、Celerによる2013年8月のCDアルバム。今回は日本のレーベルCommune Discから!
Vital Weekly
“Radish was created as a daydream. Each track was made of different layers of instruments, field recordings, television and discarded objects. The tracks were mixed without specific structure and instead in an almost blind and directionless form, to later be processed together for a flowing, pure and imaginative sequence of memories”, says Will Long on the cover. Celer is, since his wife passed away, his solo project and it has an impressive catalogue of released works. For a while I thought Long was no longer using the name Celer, but apparently I am wrong. The name Celer is a household name by now in the world of drone music, so I can imagine continuing that. Having said that, and adding that I always enjoy the music of Celer, I can’t help noticing that many of the music by Celer is quite similar. A friend of mine calls it the ‘cigar compositions’, because of the way these pieces look like on a computer screen. Slow fade in, a similar volume for the entire duration, quick fade out. Celer on ‘Radish’ has nineteen tracks and some of these pieces seem to flow into another, but by and large it has such a build up. The power however of this release lies in the fact that these pieces are relatively short and consist of sounds which not always seem to fit together, a slight dissonance in the world of drone. The sustaining, orchestral samples make sometimes some what uneven pairings, but overall this release works quite well for me. But then, obviously, I like drone music and especially when it’s not as standard, and ‘Radish’ clearly isn’t. This is one of the nicer releases by Celer I heard in some time.
Music Won’t Save You
L’ennesima pubblicazione della sconfinata discografia di Celer può rappresentare l’esempio perfetto per smentire i luoghi comuni tanto sull’immediatezza creativa di opere sperimentali quanto sulla magniloquenza espressiva sottostante alle frequenti lunghe sinfonie ambientali di Will Thomas Long. “Radish” consta infatti di ben diciannove brevi tracce prive di titolo, contrassegnate soltanto dal loro numero progressivo ed elaborate nel corso degli ultimi due anni a partire da frammenti strumentali, field recordings, suoni e rumori dalle matrici più disparate.
L’incessante successione delle tracce, sostanzialmente antitetica al loro essenziale contenuto, offre una sensazione di continua mutazione delle istantanee in movimento di Long, che disegnano una sequenza mutevole tale da restituire nell’ascolto lo stream of consciousness nel quale è stata compilata. Come la concisione di respiri che si avvicendano spontaneamente l’uno dopo l’altro, i diciannove brani mostrano una tecnica di impressionistiche suggestioni sonore, talora prodotte da frequenze e rumori appena al di sopra del livello della percezione e quasi solo nei passaggi relativamente più articolati (due sole tracce superano i cinque minuti di durata) sviluppate in minute partiture di placido ipnotismo ambientale.
Pur rinunciando a lavorare sulla persistenza, Long non ha depotenziato il contenuto immaginifico delle sue creazioni, quanto piuttosto ha inteso cristallizzare il fascino degli elementi più volativi di un descrittivismo emozionale costituito da un pulviscolo di brevi schegge sonore, la cui valenza in questa forma viene anzi esaltata.