Format: 2CD, LP
Label: Two Acorns
Catalog: 2A22
Release date: 6/1/21

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Track list:
1 Writing Letters In the Rain, 06.06
2 Eventual Needs
3 Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear (05.27)
4 Entire Absence (Fever Temperatures)
5 Mirror Falls (8, 9, and 11)
6 Bed 4301, West Lucanin 44, 07.01-09.10
7 Uselessness Of the Caused

Release description:
All music, tapes, 4-track, Uher, field recordings, Sony Tapecorder, found sounds, Lexicon PCM 42, pipe reverb by Will Long

Cover is a hand-painted colorized photo by James Jenkins

Mastered by Stephan Mathieu

Inspired by the journals, letters, and photographs of James Jenkins, 1942-1943 from Luzon, Philippines

Package description:
2CD edition of 500 copies, vinyl edition of 350, 150 emerald vinyl, 150 ivory

Press reviews:

A poco più di un mese dalla pubblicazione del precedente Being Below, il musicista e compositore americano, ma di stanza in Giappone, Will Long pubblica un nuovo disco sotto il moniker Celer.

“Ispirato dai diari, dalle lettere e dalle fotografie di James Jenkins da Luzon, nelle Filippine, tra il 1942-43”, come si legge nella presentazione, Malaria può quasi considerarsi un concept album sulla malattia di cui prende il nome, vista dagli occhi di un osservatore occidentale in un mondo ancora coloniale ed esotico. Ne escono ben due CD di ambient, field recording e delicati interventi strumentali, il disco mette in relazione quel mondo lontano e remoto con l’isolamento della pandemia che stiamo vivendo.

African Paper
Mit der kürzlich erschienenen Doppel-CD hat der in Tokyo lebende Ambient- und Soundkünstler Will Long alias Celer eine soundtrackartige Hommage an den amerikanischen Fotografen James Jenkins geschaffen, der während des zweiten Weltkriegs in Luzon auf den Philippinen lebte, wo er eine Menge an Fotos machte und seine Situation in Journalen und zahlreichen Briefen beschrieb. Long begegnet diesem Thema auf emotionale wie onomatopoetische Art mittiefgehenden Klangflächen und koloritreichen Geräuschen von Wind und Wetter. “Malaria” erscheint Anfang Juni bei Two Acorns, der Download ist bereits erhältlich.

Kurz waren die Meditationen von Will Long noch selten, bei „Future Predictions“ beispielsweise dauerten alle vier Kompositionen jeweils um die vierzig Minuten. Auch „Malaria“, die neue Veröffentlichung des in Japan lebenden Amerikaners, nimmt sich viel Raum für langsame Entwicklungen. Aufgeteilt in sieben Teilstücke oder als 80 Minuten andauernde Gesamtheit entfaltet die Musik von Celer gerade wegen dieser Langsamkeit viel Magie.

Inspiriert von Tagebüchern, Briefen und Fotografien des Philippinen James Jenkins, hat Celer mit Field Recordings und elektronischen Klängen ein Abbild einer nachdenklichen Zeit im Leben eines Menschen geschaffen. Man spürt die Wärme der exotischen Gebiete, man hört Regen und Tiere, im Herzen und der Seele macht sich ein ruhiges Gefühl breit. „Writing Letters In the Rain, 06.06“ ist der perfekte Einstieg in diese gemächliche Reise, Muster und Klangfolgen werden von „Eventual Needs“ aufgenommen und wiederholt.

Romantik und Schönheit sind wichtige Zutaten für „Malaria“, nicht einmal der Ausbruch der Krankheit kann die Musik extrem werden lassen („Entire Absence (Fever Temperatures)“). Celer hantiert mit Schichten und Motiven, lässt diese wie Wellen ineinanderfliessen, verschiebt Stimmungen und Temperaturen. Das abschliessende „Uselessness Of the Caused“ ist eine mehr als 50 Minuten wirkend Atmung, eine globale Verbindung zwischen Menschen, Zeit und Natur.

Tutto scorre lento in Oriente. Seduti sulla veranda, protetti da una leggera zanzariera transparente, si guarda il panorama mentre la pioggia mosonica rende indecifrabile il contorno delle cose. La temperatura corporea che sale oltre il dovuto, quel piccolo insetto che vorace sta succhiando sangue e iniettando malaria, un lontano sapore anni ’40 e il cresendo ambient che ci riporta al presente, al suono prodotto da Will Long in arte Celer. Dal Giappone pensando alle Filippine, a Luzon in particolare, Il dove il fotografo e giornalista James Jenkins fermava il tempo attraverso i suoi fotogrammi o gli articoli scritti mentre la febbre malarica lo investiva. Una splendida pausa cinematica.

Vital Weekly
From the ever productive house of Will Long, also known as Celer, a double album that he recorded in 2018, and for which the inspiration were “the journals, letters, and photographs of James Jenkins, 1942-1943 from Luzon, Philippines”. I assume some words were used in the titles of these pieces, and photographs grace the inside of the cover. Apparently he was (1923-2014) stationed during the war in the Far East and participated in various battles, and lived around the world. I have no idea Will Long get hold of his letters and journals. The music has very little to do with the sound of war, but using tapes, four-track, Uher (a reel-to-reel machine), field recordings, Sony tape recorder, found sounds, Lexicon PCM42 and a pipe reverb, Long creates some very Celer-like music here. Disc two has one, fifty-two minute, piece ‘Uselessness Of The Caused’, whereas on disc one there are six pieces, from one-and-a-half minute to fourteen minutes. These pieces use long loops of quiet, evolving sounds. As (almost) always, Celer erects a firm yet the delicate wall of sound of drone music, from sounds that we no longer recognize, layer upon layered, erasing all previous stages of this process, leaving a hazy, dronal residue. As always, I might be wrong, of course. The music is slow and minimal, lingering majestically. This is especially the case of ‘Uselessness Of The Caused’, which is over fifty minutes long and fills up the entire second disc. On the first disc there are a few short pieces, interludes almost, of radio waves or old 78rpms caught, delivering a sound message from many decades ago; from a quieter world I’d say, but then the year and place may not indicate that much quietness. This is all quite rich music for a quiet day in which everything seems to happen at a ditto quiet pace. This is not something new by Celer, but another fine work all the same.