Press text:
“In 2012, after trading LPs, I sent Dirk a long track of collaged, stretched tape pieces to see if it was something he could work with. This particular set of recordings seemed puzzling to me, and unworkable. Later, after a tour with Mono he actually sent me some tracks that he had made while listening to the piece. Out of the blue, maybe a year later, I went back and listened to our tracks, having some distance for my ears, and had an idea. Using the original track that I sent Dirk at the very beginning as a sound source, I shaped it exactly like Dirk’s responding source file – the musical colour and frequencies were the same, but the effects and enveloping were triggered by the waves of Dirk’s track.
It may be hard to hear the two sides, but it’s really built by the background curtain, and even if you can’t hear it’s place, it’s definitely there. Where does one thing begin and another end? Maybe you can hear it?” – Will Long, 2015
Available as a CD in an edition of 300 copies from Zoharum