Field recordings are since the musique concrète integral part of the musical toolbox. However, the summary of the various results of works with ambient noise under the collective term of Field Recordings is the variety of possibilities made possible of course hardly do justice. Because the concrete can both as a raw material in its concrete form be reproduced, as well as a source of inspiration in the sound or the structure of a composition abstracts incorporated. “Sky Limits” by Celer goes the second path. The bits of recognizable noises are short; the spherical passages ambient sheaths make the main part the soundscape made, in which the imagination the listener can classify the known. The relationship between inside and outside is characterized fragmentary – the interior is through the outer always touched only briefly before the contact again breaks off and spreads the meditation.
Quite different D Bayne goes on “Meditations on Present Time” before. The recordings on walks were recorded, are in prolonged passages reproduced and thus give a trackable narrative. This is different Layers of piano superimposed. Similar a good movie soundtrack to reinforce this emotional content of the superficially visible. Both types of field recordings refer to equal to an impressive way on the cagesche paradigm that the most exciting music without interruption is played in everyday life around us.