Time passes quickly, and memories all but disappear. Some of the most intimate moments are shuffled aside, later sometimes discovered again only by accident. Merkin, possibly one of the most personal albums that we ever made, for one reason or another, never came to an official release. It was recorded in 2007-2008 in Las Vegas and California, and later mastered by John Twells. For about a year after it was sent and given to friends and labels. By 2012, nearly 5 years had passed since it’s creation, Danielle had been gone for almost 3 years, and the album had passed through 3 different labels, in the end all dropping it for reasons such as “I like this other album better”, “it won’t fit on an LP”, “it’s too good to be released on a cassette”, and “we prefer an album that sounds like Engaged Touches“. In addition, an unmastered version appeared on many blogs and file sharing sites, which increasingly damaged any chances of it appearing.
So, after 5 years, the official version of Merkin will be available. Someday a CD will be pressed, but for now, it is better that it exists and can be enjoyed as it is. It is an important part of the history of Celer, and sadly one of the most colorful, yet overlooked records. Just because labels don’t want to release something, doesn’t mean it isn’t important.
– Will Long, Tokyo, May 2012
(In 15 Indeterminate Parts)
Immutable Philanthropy / Limpid Sets of Tide / Soporific Sense of Self /
Pubic Wig / Stagnant Swimming Equilibrium / Its Shiny Kith / Saddle
Sore / Natural Translucence / Autistic Premonitions / The Fugue of the
Purple Reef / Dormant Couture of Winter / Dissociative Identity of Each of
its Pages / Frozen Rocking Chairs / The Delicate Omphalos of a Naked
Apron / Antediluvian Shapes of Molded Ribs
Recorded in California and Las Vegas, 2007-2008
Danielle Baquet-Long – Cello, Violin, Piano, Contact Microphones, Latex,
Titles, Processing
Will Long – Mixing Board, Piano, Processing
Cover Photography by Peter Lograsso, Mastered by John Twells