One of the painful aspects about listening to the music of Chubby Wolf is knowing that each song is a snapshot of an artist who can no longer compose. That Dani Long died young is tragic; that she left behind ample evidence that she could have been an important talent is even more tragic. Her widower Will Long told Big Takeover that he has a large archive, and this brief seven-inch single is the first offering from his vaults. Comprised of two sides of gentle, haunting drone, the inevitable truths about her fate cast a pallor. After all, a song titled “Free Time Spent Dreading the Inevitables, Soaring in Availables, Wording the Operatives” does make you wonder what Long was thinking about. The soft, funereal sounds found within its six minutes recalls Stars of the Lid’s best moments, or the quieter sides of Windy & Carl or AMP. The B-side, “If You Love Me…” follows a similar path, but there’s an inexplicably upbeat, sunny vibe to the darkness—as if the sun is peeking through the clouds and gloom and pain. Each Dani Long composition is a rare treat, a delicate jewel that should not be taken for granted, and The Darker Sex is no exception.